Friday, November 29, 2019

Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay Essay Example

Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay Paper Information System has different types as mentioned above. They are Transaction treating system, Management Information Systems ( MIS ) , Office Automation Systems ( OAS ) , Document Management System ( DMS ) , Decision Support System ( DSS ) , Executive Support System ( ESS ) , Expert System ( ES ) , Knowledge Work System ( KWS ) , Geting Information System, Information System Security and Control, Impacts of Information System etc. , These types is related to different sections in an administration such as Operational Manager, Data worker, Middle Manager, Senior Manager etc, . The below diagram shows how the types supports different sections in an administration. The director, who maintains, controls and improves the activities in an administration for better services and goods to clients. The director cheques twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours operations and with the consequences they will take certain activities. One of the major twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities is Transaction treating system. This Transaction Processing is a type in information system. The dealing procedure is a set of information that may be order, payment, scanned information etc. , through computing machine and demand to be updated in a database and database must direct conformation at same clip for the petition. Transaction procedure contains two types of procedures they are Batch Transaction Process and Real Time Transaction Process. The batch dealing means it collects the informations and stored in Database and does nt react instantly during procedure. The best illustration of BTP is nomadic bills, Bank statements, cheques etc. The Real Time Tran saction Process means it collects the informations and responds instantly for the procedure and saves the records in database. The best illustration of RTP is Withdrawal money, Deposit money, and Scanned payment consequences in retail shops. Any concern that may be on-line or offline tallies under these two procedures plants. The below diagram show the basic dealing procedure which involves user, intent and the type of procedure We will write a custom essay sample on Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A A Ref: A Board of surveies NSW, Stage 6 Information Processes and Technology, Preliminary and HSC Courses ( 2007, page 14 ) Data Workers: The individuals who work for the company are known as information workers. The best illustration for informations workers are employees. The information system types comes under this section are Knowledge direction system ( KMS ) and Office mechanization system ( OAS ) . In any administration KMS is used to capture, organize and make concern procedures in efficient and advanced manner. To acquire the right information we collect informations and use cognition. The administration success depends upon the cognition. All the employees in an administration must portion their ideas for the administration end. The professional people who works for the KMS acts as advisers and give aid for both Top degree and Middle degree direction. These Peoples develop new cognition for the administration and integrated it with bing cognition which is nil but updating the system. Example for KMS is the Bankss say that sedimentation money in Bankss for protection. In add-on to that the cognition they use to increase the clients is if you deposit the money for more than a twelvemonth we will give an extra 5 % for the money which means if you deposit $ 100 so at the terminal of the twelvemonth you own $ 105. OAS is an extra tool to do the procedure easy in the administration. A computing machine system which allows assortment of application such as Microsoft word, Emails, Calender and even sharing resources each other through a affiliated web. This is used chiefly by office workers who supports directors at all degrees. The best illustration for OAS is Microsoft word. This application is of user interface which helps to do the paperss more easy and has extra installations like enchantment rectification, word count etc. In-between Manager: This is one of the department/layer in an administration. The major function is to supervise subsidiaries like informations workers, operational director before describing to upper director. The Information system types that involve in this section are Management Information System ( MIS ) , Decision Support System ( DSS ) , and Intelligent Support System ( ISS ) . Manage information Tells director how to pull off information for a peculiar state of affairs. This information is managed in accurate, seasonably and relevant for state of affairss. System is a combination of different degrees in an administration. MIS is defined as combination of different beds in administration, people and paperss to cognize the administration jobs and supply appropriate information for the job. Accessing, Organising, Summarizing and displayed information for back uping everyday determination devising in the functional countries. The four types of MIS are TPS, OIS, DCS and Expert Systems. The illustrati on for MIS is for an on-line bank measure payment, the history holder has an option to reassign the sum for a peculiar day of the month in each month. The bank transportations money each month on that day of the month and direct a electronic mail with information about how much money is detected, clip of transportation and day of the month of transportation. DSS is a system used to do determination with the aid of broad scope of resources. This system interacts with the people by utilizing scope of resources to do determinations which we see in administration. For illustration, company wants to sell books internationally through online. To make this the company need to believe wether the determination made is wise for concern. Company can utilize DSS for doing determinations with the aid of company information and besides by other resources. 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Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write About Extracurriculars on College Applications

How to Write About Extracurriculars on College Applications SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the trickiest parts of the Common App is understanding how to make the most of the extracurricular activity section. You might have a ton of activities - or not very many - and be wondering how you should write about your activities to impress college admissions readers. If you’ve felt stumped by what you’re supposed to do in this section and how to make the most of your very limited space, read on. In this guide I will tell you: How many extracurricular activities you should list How to choose which activities to list How to write about your extracurriculars But before we get into that, you may be wondering... Why Do You Need Extracurricular Activities in the First Place? Colleges love to see that students are active, contributing members of their communities. Even more importantly, they love to see students who are developing their talents and passions. When a student is actively involved in the community and other activities in high school, there is a good chance that they will be doing something similar in college. Universities like to be known as hubs of activity, charity, and culture, and it’s largely the students that make them that way. Because of this, the activities section of the Common App is very important. It’s your chance to show the admissions officers how you will become an actively contributing member of their school community. Remember that almost anything that you are actively and productively involved in can be considered an extracurricular activity. This includes things like having a job or taking care of family members. For the Common App, you'll need to reflect on what you have learned from your activities and how they have helped you develop. Admissions officers are going to be particularly interested in seeing how you have been involved in leadership positions and that you have dedicated a significant amount of time and energy to your activities. You know why you need extracurriculars and what the admissions officers most want to see. But do you know how many of them you need for your application? Want to build the best possible college application with a real expert? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How Many Activities Should You List on the Common App? It’s time to seriously start looking at the application and what should and shouldn't be included under the activities section. The Common App gives you room to write about ten of your activities. But What If You Don’t Have 10 Activities? That’s absolutely fine. You don’t need to panic or try to make up activities just to fill in the blanks. In fact, college admissions advisors would prefer to see a few activities that you've made a significant dedication to than several activities that you've had lesser involvement in. It would be much better to show significant involvement, leadership, and personal development in two or three activities than it would be to write about ten activities that you were hardly involved in because you spread yourself too thin. A great looking application could have between one and three activities showing significant involvement (depending on the number of hours dedicated to each), and a few other activities with a lower level of involvement. These would likely either be from your earlier years in high school before you figured out what you were really passionate about, or a lesser interest that you have dedicated a couple hours a week to. What If You Have Too Many Activities? This will only really be a problem for a few people, though many might initially think it’s an issue. Admissions officers only want to see the activities that you have been engaged in significantly. There’s no hard and fast definition for what â€Å"significant involvement† looks like, but most people can work it out. If you helped out at your church’s pancake breakfast one year, that really doesn’t need to go on your application. But if you have volunteered at the hospital for 10 hours a week every week for four years, that definitely counts as significant involvement. In other words, you need to be looking for quality over quantity. Instead of aiming to fill each blank with something inconsequential just to have it filled, make sure that everything you include reflects a significant time investment and an experience that you learned from. You can often combine multiple activities under one heading if none of them is individually significant enough, or if you need to save space. Let’s say you play volleyball. You've been on the JV team at school for four years, you play club volleyball in the off-season, and every summer you both do volleyball camps and help coach camps for younger players. If you are running out of room, feel free to lump all of those together on the application as one activity. Finally, make sure you're not confusing academic awards with extracurricular activities. For example, many good students are accepted into the National Honors Society every year. If you've been accepted and that’s the extent of your involvement, list it as an academic honor. On the other hand, if you've been accepted, got elected as the president of your school chapter, organized weekly meetings, and planned several volunteer activities throughout the year, list it as an activity. What if you legitimately have more than ten activities you have been significantly involved in, and you feel your application would be incomplete without them? Never fear! The Common App does have an â€Å"Additional Information† section, and this is the place to let admissions officers know about these really important things that you couldn’t fit elsewhere. Just make sure they really are important! They’ll be rolling their eyes if you insisted on filling out this section to talk about the one hour you spent working at the pancake breakfast three years ago. Still not quite sure how you should choose from among your many activities? Read on for a step-by-step explanation of how to pick what activities you should write about, and how you should list them on your application. Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing Your Activities This part of the application is difficult because you have to convey a lot of information in a relatively small space. It’s important to brainstorm ahead of time to make sure that you'll be able to make the most of this section. Step 1: Write Down Your Activities On a piece of paper, write down a list of your activities. These can be almost anything that you have done in high school, from sports, to organized clubs, to outside hobbies and interests, to work or community service. For each activity, make sure you write down: The name of the organization where you did the activity (if applicable). A description of what you did. Feel free to go in-depth and fully explain your involvement. Did you attend meetings? Classes? Did you organize any activities? Write down any leadership roles you had – meaning any time you were responsible for the actions of other people, or had responsibilities beyond just being a participant. These do not need to be official. If you ran the meetings but didn’t have an official title, still write it down. Also include any achievements or special responsibilities you had. Were there any special projects that you did or were in charge of? If so, what specifically did you do? This can be a one-time thing (like organizing a food drive) or something more long-term, such as running a tutoring clinic throughout the school year. What were the dates that you participated in the activity? How many hours per week did you do? Your examples might look like this: Soccer Team: Member of my high school's soccer team, played forward position. JV team two years, Varsity team two years. Lead goal scorer my junior year. In charge of spring fundraiser that raised $800 to cover team travel costs. Animal Shelter Volunteer: Freshman through junior year. Volunteered 10 hours a week taking care of cats and dogs, cleaning cages, feeding animals, and interviewing potential owners at my local animal shelter. Received "Volunteer of the Month" award in May 2017. Outdoors Club: Member for four years, vice president my senior year. Attended and helped run weekly meetings as well as weekend events. Responsible for planning over 15 outdoor-related events that helped students experience the outdoors and get to know one another better. Step 2: Number Your Activities From Most Important to Least Important Base this off the amount of time you dedicated to the project, your leadership in the activity, and how important the activity has been for developing a passion or pursuing a future goal. Important note: Make sure that the order you put them in is the order of importance they have for you according to your passions and interests. Don’t just try to guess what the admissions officers want to see, because the whole point is to show off what is important to you. Why is this important? This is going to the be order that you list your activities on the application. It’s important that you put what’s most important to you at the top of the list so that you make it as obvious as possible to the college admissions officers. Don’t make them hunt through your list to see what your best contributions and activities are! Step 3: Have Your Parents or Friends Read Over Your List This is not only to check that you've remembered everything correctly, such as the dates and time commitments, but also to make sure that you haven’t missed out on anything important. Maybe that three hours a week you spent as a peer counselor slipped your mind. Always get someone to check it over and ask for anything they can contribute. Another reason it’s important to check in with someone else is to make sure that what you've written makes sense. Maybe you're used to certain acronyms or assume that everyone knows what the Quill and Scroll Club does! Step 4: Understand Your Story Now that you have your list, it’s important to reflect on it and try to think about how the admissions officers are going to see your activities. Do you think that the activities, as you have listed and described them, tell a story about who you are as a person? Is it a good representation of how you've spent the past four years outside of the classroom? And does it show what kind of contribution you will be making to a college community? At this point, it’s important to consider how you're presenting yourself. You may have heard that admissions officers are looking to create a well-rounded student body. While that’s true, that doesn’t mean that they are only looking for well-rounded students. Some students are â€Å"pointy." They have fantastic achievements in a certain area – and don’t have a lot outside that area. For example, imagine all your extracurricular activities are related to biology. You’re the president of the biology club at school, you’ve participated (and won awards) at various science competitions around your state over the past four years, you’ve worked with a professor at the local community college on some biological research, and you volunteer five hours per week as a bio tutor. Though you haven’t tried a lot of different things, you can still turn this into a great story about having a strong passion in one area. Admissions officers tend to like â€Å"pointy† students because their great focus shows that they have potential to make a big difference in the future of a certain field. A lot of â€Å"pointy† students with achievements in different areas will together make up a diverse student body. But realistically, most applicants aren't going to have such massive achievements in just one area. Well-rounded students also help make up a well-rounded student body, so try to think about how your diverse activities tell your story. You've probably learned different but valuable things from each experience, and having a diverse range of interests shows that you're not afraid to try new things – another thing that will be viewed positively by admissions officers. Also keep in mind that unusual activities often will stand out. Many students are involved in quite generic activities. While that isn’t bad, something different will definitely get you noticed, so don’t be afraid to include something a bit unorthodox on your list – especially if you’ve had a good achievement in it and it’s an important part of your story. So now that you know exactly what you’ll be writing about, let’s get into the details of how to actually fill out that application. Want to perfect your extracurriculars on your college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How to Write About Your Extracurriculars: AKA Putting Your Twitter Skills to Use Let’s go through the Activities section of the Common App step by step. When you click on the Activities page, you’ll see a brief description of what’s expected in this section, and you can choose whether or not you have any activities that you would like to report. Click yes. Then press â€Å"Continue.† Next, click on â€Å"Activity 1." You’ll have a drop-down menu where you’ll be able to choose what kind of activity you’re going to talk about. Choose whatever best describes the #1 activity from the list you made previously. In the next box, you can put the Activity Name. You have 50 characters to fill out this section. The main rule for this is to be as detailed as you can within the character limit. This is because you want to save as much room as possible in the next section, where you have to describe the activity. Let’s say your activity is that you have spent the past four years playing the violin. You're the first chair violinist in a community orchestra, you're the soloist in your school’s concert band, you won local awards for your playing, and you've been taking lessons for 12 years. The bad way to phrase this would be: Violinist The great way to phrase this would be: Award-winning soloist/first chair violinist If you do this, you're making the most of your first 50 characters, and you can then use the Activity Description to elaborate on the points you have already raised in the Activity Name. Let’s move on to the Activity Description. In this box, you can use 150 characters to talk about details of your activity. While that may have been a challenge for older generations, it should be a breeze for anyone who is familiar with using Twitter! Look at your activity list that you wrote earlier. Choose the most important things for each activity – leadership positions, initiatives you ran, important contributions you made. What you should not write in this space is a general description of what the club or group does. Make this all about you and your role in the activity. Tip #1: Don’t try to use a full sentence here. Use action words and small phrases to describe what you've done. It’s ok to use symbols and abbreviations (, /, etc.) in order to save room. Tip #2: Be specific! Emphasize the numbers of what you did. How many people did you lead? How many people joined the club because of you? Exactly how much money did you raise for that cause? The more specific you are, the better picture you are painting for the admissions officer about what you actually achieved. Tip #3: Don’t exaggerate or lie about what you’ve done, but also make sure you aren’t modest. This is your time to shine and be proud of what you've accomplished. What if you don’t have room to write a complete enough description? Almost everyone will feel like they could write more, but try to refrain from doing so unless you really feel that something very important cannot be described well enough in the space given. If that’s the case, this is where the â€Å"Additional Information† section comes in. You’ll find this under the next section on the Common App, labelled â€Å"Writing.† If you do choose to use this space, make it clear that you are referring back to the Activity section. Continue to be brief and highlight the important things that you feel cannot be left out. Back on the Activities page, check the boxes for the years that you have participated in your activity, and also select if you participated in the activity during the school year, during breaks, or all year long. Next, fill in the number of weeks per year that you did the activity, and the hours per week. Finally, check if you would like to do something similar in college. You don't have to check â€Å"Yes† unless you really want to do something similar in college. It’s fine to want to explore new interests, but it’s recommended that you have at least one activity that you would like to continue in college. When you're finished, click on the â€Å"Preview† button. Read through it to make sure that you have no mistakes, that it makes sense, and that it says everything you want it to say. Feel free to repeat with up to nine other activities. Congratulations! You have now completed one of the most difficult sections of the Common App! What’s Next? Trying to get inspired?Check out our guide with four amazing extracurricular examples. These will be sure to help you stand out from the crowd! Looking for more extracurriculars to participate in? Here's a list of hundreds of extracurricular activities you can choose from. Now that you know more about how to write about extracurriculars, check outthe number one thing colleges wish students knew. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Poor Patient Care due to Nursing Shortage Leading to Professional, Research Paper

Poor Patient Care due to Nursing Shortage Leading to Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the healthcare setting, nurses are the important players in nourishing and rehabilitating an unhealthy, injured, diseased individual back to a normal and healthy individual, thereby enabling him/her to live a happy and successful life. The roles and duties of a nurse have also evolved with the changing face of nursing. Rather than becoming few, they have become many, with nurses increasingly taking up certain duties that were previously left to society. The development of nursing has also seen nurses evolve from general practitioners to highly specialized professionals, with areas of practice ranging from geriatric nursing to pediatric nursing. This has resulted in better patient care and higher patient survival rates. With the rapid development of human society and increasing health needs, this specialization across the nursing profession is bound to increase even more. However, there is another side to the above scenario. That is, due to the number of factors, there is sizable nursing shortage throughout the world including in the UK, and that is leading to poor patient care. Due to this shortage of nurses in healthcare settings, patients are put in a high risk condition, as they are not being given expected as well as adequate care leading to professional, ethical and legal issues Identification of the legal, professional and ethical issues A nurse will only â€Å"provide a structure of caring that can ultimately create an environment where†¦ a patient can begin a transition from victim to survivor† (Johnston 2006). Thus, if the shortage of nurses accentuates, the ‘structure’ will collapse, leading to a lot of trouble and risks. Shortage of nurses is being witnessed in many UK hospitals in the past few years, thereby placing NHS in a peril state. A shortage is happening because many hospitals have placed a freeze on the recruitment of new nurses and also axing currently functioning nurses as well. â€Å"Many hospitals have been axing nursing posts or imposing recruitment freezes since 2005 and 2006, having racked up huge debts. Official figures show 5,964 nursing posts have been axed in the past two years. † (Borland 2013). Shortage of nursing staff has a major detrimental impact on the quality of service of the hospital which directly impacts its reputation as well as on the hospital’s overall capacity to service (Buerhaus et al. 2007). More than the hospital’s image, the valuable lives of people are at stake. People come to a healthcare setting in an already compromised state, with both their physical as well as mental health in a will be in a weakened state. That is, as people visit hospitals, when their physical body is malfunctioning, diseased and injured, their physical strength and also their mental morale will be at an all-time low. Fig 1: (Borland 2013). Considering their state, it is of crucial importance for the healthcare profe ssionals particularly nurses, as said above, to provide them with apt care and ‘nurse’ back to health. (Gosling and Mintzberg 2003). However, when there is the shortage of nurses, all the patients may not be given apt and equal care, also may not be given quick care or care in times of need, and even deficient care. When this happens, many worst-case scenarios arise. â€Å"Recent documents, including the infamous Francis Report, have exposed a catalog of failings in the NHS, where patients have been neglected, poorly observed and physically abused. Findings detailed how patients were left unwashed; unable to eat and drink due to lack of help, and overall poorly managed in their final hours of need.† (The City Times).  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Andrew Carnegie (U.S. Steel originally Carnegie Steel ) Research Paper

Andrew Carnegie (U.S. Steel originally Carnegie Steel ) - Research Paper Example These innovations allowed him to manufacture steel of better quality at a lower cost as compared to his competitors (Wren, 1998). During this phase the management approach of Carnegie was aggressive and Darwinian, aimed at derailing his competitors in business. To facilitate this innovation, Carnegie struck partnerships with the talented people who understood technology (Wren, 1998). As his operations expanded, Carnegie opted for an integrated approach towards his steel manufacturing operations by investing or taking over companies that supplied the raw materials to the US Steel (Wren, 1998). This management approach allowed Carnegie to profit from each and every step involved in the manufacturing of steel. As his business progressed, Carnegie’s thrust for continual improvement recognized a need for information systems and management styles that allowed him to calculate costs on successive operations associated with steel manufacturing. Hence, he adopted a new system and management approach that allowed him to have a thorough knowledge of the costs, which enabled him to bid successfully while seeking contracts (Wren, 1998). Hence, the acumen of Carnegie’s management approach stood in identifying demand, opting for new technologies that cut the cost of manufacturing and having a thorough insight into the cost of manufacturing

Monday, November 18, 2019

REFLECTION OF VALUES IN PRACTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

REFLECTION OF VALUES IN PRACTICE - Essay Example The scope of the work of a mental health nurse is vast and diverse. They can work in a number of settings like private homes, hospitals, nursing homes, and psychiatric wards. They have to coordinate their work and activities along with that of mental health specialists, workers, and therapists (Condon 14, 1992). My personal values deeply affect my work as a mental health nurse because of the reason that I have to care for patients who are suffering from chronic mental problems. I have to investigate and analyze the special needs of certain patients by solving their problems. I also have to ensure that services are provided efficiently and effectively to the patients. Respecting the patients involves the ability to create professional relationships with patients and their caregivers (Rassin 614, 2008). This can assist in the generation of trust and confidence between the nurse and patient (Pinch 372, 1985). Personal values can ensure the development of healthy relationships and mutual respect between the patient and nurses. Working in the team is very effective in developing my skills and knowledge as it allows the ability to deliver the correct treatment to the patients. It also ensures the rapid response to helping patients that suffer from depression and anxiety (Insaf 838, 2008). Approaching such patients requires patience and caution since they must not be threatened. Team work is essential for the mental health nurse because it allows the coordination and integration of activities which attempt to reduce or minimize problems or hazards faced at the work place. Therapy is a great tool for participating and working with groups as I believe it can reduce the emotional problems faced by many patients. As a team member, I also encourage the patients to engage in recreational or social events which help to develop their cognitive and social skills. It would also assist in the development of communication

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact Of Government Policies On Women Empowerment Sociology Essay

Impact Of Government Policies On Women Empowerment Sociology Essay This paper presents the impact of government policies on women empowerment. This paper firstly defines women empowerment and then list out the government policies on women empowerment in the various Five year plans. Then on the basis of the data collected, I compared the degree of empowerment in the rural and urban women. The degree of empowerment was measured on four indices which were:- womens mobility and social interaction; womens labour patterns; womens access to and control over resources; and womens control over decision-making. Introduction The past three decades have witnessed a steadily increasing awareness of the need to empower women through measures to increase social, economic and political equity, and broader access to fundamental human rights, improvements in nutrition, basic health and education. The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only grants equality to women, but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favor of women. Defining Womens Empowerment Empowerment is a continuous process for realizing the ideals of equality, human liberation and freedom for all. Womens Empowerment, thus, implies equality of opportunity and equity between the genders, ethnic groups, social classes and age groups, strengthening of life chances, collective participation in different spheres of lifecultural, social, political, economic, development process, decision making etc. Naila Kabeer defines womens empowerment as the process by which those who have been denied the ability to make strategic life choices acquire such ability. This ability to exercise choices incorporates three inter-related dimensions: resources which include access to and future claims to both material and social resources; agency which includes the process of decision-making, negotiation, deception and manipulation; and achievements that are the well-being outcomes. Smt Renuka Chowdhury(Minister of State for Women and Child Development ) says that, Empowerment to me means self esteem self reliance self confidence. Sometimes one thinks if this was there, if that was there, this could have been done. But you dont need any of that if a woman is aware of her rights, of herself, if her self esteem is high, then she is empowered Governments Policies on womens empowerment The need for Womens empowerment was felt in India long back. Mahatma Gandhi had announced at the Second Round Table Conference(1932) that his aim was to establish a political society in India in which there would be no distinction between people of high and low classes and in which women would enjoy the same rights as men and the teeming millions of India would be ensured dignity and justice- social, economic and political. The countrys concern in safeguarding the rights and privileges of women found its best expression in the Constitution of India, covering fundamental rights and the directive principles of state policy. Articles 14, 15, 15(3), 16, 39, 42, 51 (A) (e) contain various types of provisions for equal rights and opportunities for women and eliminate discrimination against women in different spheres of   life. From the Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-78) onwards there has been a marked shift in the approach to womens issues from welfare to development. In recent years, the empowerment of women has been recognized as the central issue in determining the status of women. The Eighth Plan (1992-97), with human development as its major focus, renewed the emphasis on development of women. It sought to ensure that benefits of development from different sectors do not by-pass women. It aimed at implementing special programmes to complement the general development programmes and ensure the flow of benefits to women from other development sectors to enable women to function as equal partners and participants in the development process. The Ninth Plan (1997-2002) made two significant changes in the conceptual strategy of planning for women. First, Empowerment of Women became one of nine primary objectives of the Ninth Plan. Second, the Plan attempted convergence of existing services available in both women-specific and women-related sectors. The Tenth plan continued with the major strategies of Empowering Women as agent of social change and development. It adopted a sector specific 3-fold strategy for empowering women viz. Social empowerment, Economic empowerment and Gender justice. Inclusive and integrated economic, social and political empowerment with gender justice is how the Eleventh Plan envisions empowerment of women. New laws such as the Employment Equity Act, the Labour Relations Act and the policy of affirmative action, mean that employers (in the public and private sector) must introduce programmes, which ensure the representation of women in all professions and job grades, at equal pay and guarantees maternity rights. Government is also working to ensure that gender issues are mainstreamed in all its programmes and structures, and has created a gender machinery to monitor and advise government. This consists of the Offices on the Status of Women in the Presidency, Premiers and Mayoral offices, the Commission for Gender Equality, gender desks in departments and gender committees in Parliament and Legislatures. Measuring the Impact of Government Policies on Womens Empowerment Given the complexity of defining womens empowerment, I identified the following four indices that could lead to womens empowerment Womens mobility and social interaction; Womens labour patterns; Womens access to and control over resources; and Womens control over decision-making. Thereafter, I conducted a survey among the Rural and Urban houses of Allahabad and Varanasi to find out the impact of government policies on womens empowerment. Results and Findings I compared the data of the two areas and the results are as follows-: Womens mobility and interaction. The survey found that urban women are more mobile and begun to have new interactions with a range of officials. In all, the survey found that: 50% of urban women surveyed had visited new places and traveled longer distances; In comparison to this only 5% of rural women surveyed had visited new places and traveled longer distances. 94% of urban women surveyed had experienced new interactions with staff of institutions such as banks, district and block development organizations and NGOs . In comparison to this only 2% of rural women surveyed had experienced new interactions with staff of institutions such as banks, district and block development organizations and NGOs. Womens labour patterns. The survey finds major difference in gender division of labour. 71% of the urban houses surveyed men helped the women and only in 3% of the rural houses surveyed men helped the women. The extent to which men helped was related to The health of the woman (men helped more if women were sick) The type of household (men helped more in a nuclear household) The gender and age of the children (men helped less if girl children were present to help). There was a comparatively greater difference reported in non-domestic productive tasks. 40% of urban women who had taken bank loans reported a marked change in gender roles, and only 6% of rural women reported a small change. However, the income-generating activities of the majority of women (both Urban and Rural) in male-headed households (for which loans had been taken) continued to be managed by men (presumably, the womens husbands). Therefore, the changes in womens labour patterns were mixed, and not as positive as along other dimensions. There was little indication that womens control over their labour had undergone a marked change, and the survey noted that many women(both Urban and Rural) may simply have gone from undertaking paid work outside the home to becoming unpaid family labourers (in male-managed enterprises). Womens access to and control over resources. The survey also looked into womens access to non-loan-related resources and benefits, and particularly to common resources. In all the survey found that 70% of urban women had accessed to non-loan-related resources and benefits. Only 10% of rural women had accessed to non-loan-related resources and benefits. It seems that a number of the women undertook activities that would give their communities better infrastructure or services, for instance in water supply, child-care facilities, health care services and improved roads. In this sense, they played a key role in promoting changes in collective access to resources. Womens control in intra-household decision-making. The survey found that 83% of urban women play a significant role in intra-household decision making. Whereas only 5% of rural women play a significant role in intra-household decision making. There seemed to be a slight improvement in womens involvement in household decision-making in male-headed households, on such issues as credit, the disposal of household assets, childrens education, and family health care. However, the traditional gender-based divisions persist in intra-household decision-making. Women basically decide on food preparation, and men make the financial decisions. CONCLUSION It was found that the government policies on women empowerment are far more affective in urban areas than in rural areas. This is the reason why urban women are more empowered than the rural women .However, the empowerment of Rural Women is crucial for the development of the Rural Bharat. The remedy for empowerment lies in a strong will power and a gender just reform in the whole system covering the major interrelated issues of Economic welfare, Social justice and Education. It requires every segment of society, women as well as men; government, laws, judiciary, political parties and media.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Irony Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Irony is the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. The book Great Expectation is all about the irony in the situations that a boy named Pip brings into the entire story. Pip is on a search through life to reach high expectations of what he wants from life, this leads him to having different relationships with the different characters. Each character leads him to an understanding of himself an ironic situation, which he doesn’t expect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main character Philip Pirip also known as Pip, goes through many learning experience with the other characters that he interacts with. Joe Gargery, and Pip had a unique relationship with each other. Joe gives Pip unconditional love that he lacks in his life. Joe is the only person who shows any kind of love to Pip, yet, when Pip is starting to move up in life he finds that Joe is an embarrassment to him because he is not of high class. He sacraficed himself just to be able to help out Pip when he needed him and he suffered silently for him. The ironic situation is that with all that Joe does, Pip does not realize that Joe is the one of few people who truely care about him and would sacrafice on his behalf, he cared and always looked out for Pip. Joe took care of him and gave him love, comfort and warmth, while Pip treated him coldly and hurt the one person who truely cared about him just beca...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Interpretation and delivery of language Essay

I am writing to congratulate you upon being chosen to play the part of Richard in our forthcoming production of Richard III. This letter is a guide for you for how I would like the part of Richard to be acted. This shall be primarily based upon two key scenes in the play, which are Act 1 Scene I (opening scene) and Act 5 Scene VII (eve of battle scene). This guide covers 3 main aspects of playing the part of Richard. These are: Your interaction with other characters, your interpretation and delivery of speech within the play and your physical representation of Richard. The reason why these two scenes have been concentrated on is because they occur at key moments within the play and at opposite ends as well. Not only do they appear at opposite ends of the play but they also occur when Richards’s confidence is at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum. This enables us to see Richard from multiple perspectives and it shows us his multi-faceted mental and emotional states. As I am sure you are aware, Richard is portrayed as an Evil and conscience free king as well as being physically deformed. Although elements of this are based upon the truth, it is appreciated that Shakespeare made many of these descriptions up. Due to limited other historical reference this is how Richard is portrayed nowadays. Shakespeare’s reasons for, perhaps, making up these facts are to please the Queen at his time, who was Queen Elizabeth I. This would please her because it was her grandfather, Henry Tudor (later Henry VII (Richmond in the play)), who became King after Richard III was killed in battle. Obviously this made Richmond and Richard enemies, so portraying Richard as both evil and deformed would put Queen Elizabeth and her ancestry in better light. Richards’s evil is very evident from his very first speech (a soliloquy) in the first scene of Act 1. This solo speech to the audience sets the tone for the nature of Richards’s evil worlds and actions throughout the rest of the play. This supreme malignity is evident in the quote’†¦ that I will shortly send thy soul to heaven,’ when referring to his Brother Clarence who he has sworn to save from imprisonment. This is remorseless in its extreme form considering that he has pledged to his brother to have him released form the Tower, which Clarence believes, but in truth he is going to have him killed. This means you must portray an immense feeling of evil and remorselessness to the audience. This could be done by snarling and almost spitting when speaking of what you plan to have done as well as making angular and jerky motions rather than smooth rounded ones. However Richards’s evil is often matched by his intelligence and an example of this is in the quote ‘To set my brother Clarence and the king in deadly hate, the one against the other’. This shows how he is manipulative and again you must get the audience to believe this about you as well as making them in awe of your intelligence and scheming. It is obvious that Richard is aware of his intelligence, so portray this to the audience with a swagger and self confidence of a man who knows of his large capabilities. A lot of the reasons behind Richards’s hatred for all things jovial is due to his physical deformities and his hatred of his own appearance. He knows of his own deformities, obvious in the line ‘†¦Nor made to court and amorous looking glass’. He does however use this to focus himself on his intentions. An example of this is apparent in the line ‘†¦And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover†¦i am determined to prove a villain.’ These abnormalities should, at first, appear to displease you and annoy you; however within in an instant this should be changed to relief when he realises that his peculiarity can work in his advantage making him focused and more determined to achieve his goals. To make these deformities appear powerfully they must be exaggerated to let the audience know, although his abnormalities are making him more focussed, that they are still a physical weakness and therefore a hindrance. This can be achieved by appearing dependant on a cane that you shall be carrying. This is to give the impression that physically you are dependant upon other people or objects. This will also provide opportunities for people to attack you and taunt your disabilities, such as the cane could be kicked from beneath you and you could use it to regain your feet, again showing physical dependency. The focus that has stemmed from these disabilities must be showed prominently also. Richards focus is clear in the quote’ For then I’ll marry Warwick’s youngest daughter.’ This shows us what lengths he is willing to go to get and then keep the crown in his family after his death. His efficiency and preparation must be extravagant to give the audience reason to believe Richards apparent relief that his deformities can focus him on success. This means also that, regardless of the situation, you appear in control and assured, particularly in the earlier scenes of the play. From this scene where Richard is efficient, assured and organised, we move onto the other key scene. This is the eve of battle scene where both Richard and, his enemy, Richmond are preparing themselves and their army for battle. The scene starts with a quote from Richard saying ‘Why, out battalia trebles that account; besides the Kings name is a Tower of strength’. I for one believe that this act of confidence is one where the speaker, in this case Richard’ has very little faith in his comment so I would appreciate you saying this line with a distinct lack of conviction in your own remark. It seems to me also that with this comment he is not only trying to convince those listening of his army’s strength, but he is also convincing himself. His apparent lack of confidence is than compounded by the appearance of the ghosts. There are many quotes from the ghosts to Richard. A typical example of this would be ‘And fall thy edgeless sword; despair and die!’ which was said by the ghost of Clarence. These quotes must appear to affect you now as perhaps they wouldn’t have done in the earlier scenes. These effects include paranoia and further dents to your confidence which can be acted by adjusting your posture and body language. Then when he awakes from this dream he is convinced he has awaken from battle. Evidence of this is in the line ‘Give me another Horse! Bind up my wounds’ and following this he begins to question his conscience for the first time which is present in the quote ‘O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me’. This shows us that he is no longer invulnerable and that the atrocities he has committed are beginning to take effect on him.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

the murder of john lenno essays

the murder of john lenno essays John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, were being driven the short distance from the recording studio to their New York City apartment where mark David Chapman waited shot john Lennon, why did he decide to do this what influenced him Mark David Chapman was born on May the 10th in 1955, near Fort Worth, in Texas., the first child of David and Diane Chapman. His father work as a staff sergeant in the Air Force, his mother a nurse Chapman claimed to have had an unhappy childhood. He got picked on a lot by other kids at school because he was different He fell back on imaginary friends. He told his biographer: I used to fantasize that I was a king, and I had all these Little People around me and that they lived in the walls. And that I was their hero and was in the paper every day and I was on TV every day, their TV, and that I was important. They all kind of worshipped me, you know. It was like I could do no wrong, Adults considered him a normal boy. His IQ was 121, well above average. He had the interests of other boys his age rockets, UFOs and, of course, the Beatles, whose records he played endlessly. He looked forward to the annual showing of The Wizard of Oz on TV. But privately, he told psychiatrists, he lived in dread of his father, who he said beat his mother. He said, Id wake up hearing my mother screaming my name, and it just scared the fire out of me, and Id run in there and make him go away. Sometimes I think I actually pushed him away. He fantasized about getting a gun and blowing his father away. He told psychologists his father never gave him the love or emotional support he needed: I dont think I ever hugged my father. He never told me he loved me. And he never said he was sorry. What influenced mark David Chapman to kill john Lennon? ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gamma Rays are Part of the High-Energy Universe

Gamma Rays are Part of the High-Energy Universe Everyone has heard of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its a collection of all wavelengths and frequencies of light, from radio and microwave to ultraviolet and gamma. The light we see is called the visible part of the spectrum. The rest of the frequencies and waves are invisible to our eyes, but detectable using special instruments.   Gamma rays are the most energetic part of the spectrum. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies. These characteristics make them extremely hazardous to life, but they also tell astronomers a lot  about the objects that emit them in the universe. Gamma-rays do occur on Earth, created when cosmic rays hit our atmosphere and interact with the gas molecules. Theyre also a by-product of the decay of radioactive elements, particularly in nuclear explosions and in nuclear reactors. Gamma rays arent always a deadly threat: in medicine, theyre used to treat cancer (among other things). However, there are cosmic sources of these killer photons, and for the longest time, they remained a mystery to astronomers. They stayed that way until telescopes were built that could detect and study these high-energy emissions. Cosmic Sources of Gamma Rays Today, we know much more about this radiation and where it comes from in the universe. Astronomers detect these rays from extremely energetic activities and objects such as supernova explosions, neutron stars, and black hole interactions. These are difficult to study because of the high energies involved, they are sometimes very bright in visible light, and the fact that our atmosphere protects us from most gamma rays. To see these activities properly, astronomers send specialized  instruments to space, so they can see the gamma rays from high above Earths protective blanket of air. NASAs orbiting  Swift satellite and the Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope are among the instruments astronomers currently use to detect and study this radiation. Gamma-ray Bursts Over the past few decades, astronomers have detected extremely strong bursts of gamma rays from various points in the sky. By long, astronomers mean only a few seconds to a few minutes. However, their distances, ranging from millions to billions of light-years away, indicate that these objects and events must be very bright in order to be seen from across the universe.   The so-called gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic and brightest events ever recorded. They can send out prodigious amounts of energy in just a few seconds- more than the Sun will release throughout its entire existence. Until very recently, astronomers could only speculate about what caused such massive explosions. However, recent observations have helped them track down the sources of these events. For example, the Swift satellite detected a gamma-ray burst that came from the birth of a black hole that lay more than 12 billion light-years away from Earth. That is very early in the universes history.   There are shorter bursts, less than two seconds long, which were really a mystery for years. Eventually astronomers linked these events to activities called kilonovae, which occur when two neutron stars or a neutron star or a black hole merge together. At the moment of the merger, they give off short bursts of gamma-rays. They can also emit gravitational waves. The History of Gamma-ray Astronomy Gamma-ray astronomy had its start during the Cold War. Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) were first detected in the 1960s by the Vela fleet of satellites. At first, people were worried that they were signs of a nuclear attack. Over the next decades, astronomers began searching out the sources of these mysterious pinpoint explosions by searching for optical light (visible light) signals and in ultraviolet, x-ray, and signals. The launch of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory in 1991 took the search for cosmic sources of gamma rays to new heights. Its observations showed that GRBs occur throughout the universe and not necessarily inside our own Milky Way Galaxy. Since that time, the BeppoSAX observatory, launched by the Italian Space Agency, as well as the High Energy Transient Explorer (launched by NASA) have been used to detect GRBs. The European Space Agencys INTEGRAL mission joined the hunt in 2002. More recently, the Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope has surveyed the sky and charted gamma-ray emitters.   The need for fast detection of GRBs is key to searching out the high-energy events that cause them. For one thing, the very short-burst events die out very quickly, making it difficult to figure out the source. X-satellites can pick up the hunt (since theres usually a related x-ray flare). To help astronomers quickly zero in on a GRB source, the Gamma Ray Bursts Coordinates Network immediately sends out notifications to scientists and institutions involved in studying these outbursts. That way, they can immediately plan follow-up observations using ground-based and space-based optical, radio and X-ray observatories. As astronomers study more of these outbursts, theyll gain a better understanding of the very energetic activities that cause them. The universe is filled with sources of GRBs, so what they learn will also tell us more about the high-energy cosmos.   Fast Facts Gamma rays are the most energetic type of radiation known. They are given off by very energetic objects and processes in the universe.  Gamma rays can also be created in the lab, and this type of radiation is used in some medical applications.Gamma-ray astronomy is done with orbiting satellites that can detect them without interference from Earths atmosphere.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Apollo Hospital Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apollo Hospital - Case Study Example The conditions in the industry have been tough and Apollo has to make certain strategic decisions to expand its network. However, despite its strong leadership and financial position it does aim to increase its financial risks in expansion due to high competition and initial investment requirements. Therefore, it must adopt a different strategy through diversification, licensing, partnerships or even making it a public limited company that could bring in new capital from shareholders. Apollo Hospital is a profit generating organization and it reported profits for consecutive ten years. Despite tough competition in the Indian healthcare industry the hospital was able to generate strong demand for its services. The revenue grew almost six times from INR57.192 million to INR374.426 million in 1994. The bed occupancy of Apollo Hospital has improved from 40.4% in 1990 to 70% 1994. All other performance indicator reflected a strong business model implemented by Apollo Hospitals that allowed the organization to remain ahead of its competitors in these years. The current case study analysis combines examination of external factors with the organization’s internal analysis to form a discussion of critical success factors (CSF) of Apollo Hospitals. The reason for choosing PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT analysis tools for this case study is that they allow a better understanding of the strategy followed by Apollo Hospital to be the first to address healthcare needs of Indian population and its ability to outperform other companies. In addition, this report includes important conclusions from the case study and set forth recommendations for the organization to deal with the growing demand of high quality healthcare in India and tough competition from other corporate hospitals that followed Apollo Hospitals by making their entry with huge investments. There is not threat of substitutes as healthcare is the basis need of humans.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Civil Rights Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Civil Rights Movement - Essay Example The two white men arrested in connection with the incident were not judged. At the same time, Henry Huff, a black lady in Chicago, was expected to part with $200,000 in a court in Mississippi so as to see if she can be assisted in finding her kidnapped son. All these obstacles made them to struggle to have quality education, not to be oppressed and eliminate stereotyping. Hence the Black community came together to form the Civil Rights Movement to help in stopping segregation and discrimination against creed, race, gender and color. The community that supported it benefited in realizing equality among all races and an integrated society. After the formation of the social movement, some amendments were performed in America which assisted the blacks to realize their rights later (Vincent, 1989). The black community benefited from the 13th amendment which ended the servitude in the United States of America. It was the 14th amendment that highly benefited the black community. It granted citizenship to the blacks and barred states from cutting their immunities and privileges as prescribed in the constitution. It also prohibited all states from taking an individual’s liberty, life and property and granted equal laws’ protection. ... The black community eventually could access polling booth. The movement caused the Voting Rights Act to be passed in1965. The passage removed several racial barriers. It actually led to the alteration of American cultural, social and political way of life. Transformation in prevailing citizenship rights together with a redefinition of the courts and government’s role in guarding those rights bolstered all the Americans human rights irrespective of their individual color. Civil Rights Movement made many black employees in some organizations to publicize various abuses of civil rights that plagued them. The movement led to the emergence of Black Nationalism in America. In 1960s, many activists that were black started to ask for reforms that would lead to formation of a political system to make blacks to be less politically as well as economically crippled. With the rise of nationalism wave in the movement, some organizations emerged. One of the organization started advocating fo r â€Å"black power†. This term was clear indication racism was forever gone. Question Two Modern feminism movement describes an organized activity that attempts to empower female by revealing the interests and rights of women. Most people have counterfeit assumptions about women’s cultural beliefs, sexual preference and general point of view on life. Even the present daughters do not ever dream of leading the lives their mothers go through. Feminism movement was designed to be an intellectual and social group that inquires about transforming the society and individuals. This society includes changing the world along with changing their fathers. Its aim is to produce a society that is unbiased for all men and women by